Sarina Yamashita, who is a 2nd-year student, reported her experience in "The International Science School (the ISS)" which was held in Sydney in this summer to the principal. She was chosen as one of the nine representatives of Japan and came back to Kagoshima last Sunday.
While she was participated in the ISS, she said she had great expereiences there. "Students came from a various countries such as UK, Singapore, China, Thailand and of course Australia. I found I was able to make myself understood in English more than I'd expected," she reported, "and I'd like to make more efforts to fulfill my dream." She also said that she stayed at a dormitory of Sydney University with three Australians.
She also talked about the lectures she took in the programme and showed some pictures she took in Sydney University or streets. Hope she'd improve her skills more and more!
In the Principal's room with Mr. Arishima, who is in charge of ESS.